Saturday, 14 May 2011

Running bad & tilt

played 18 HU SNG @ $1.07 only won 7

Now I initially put this down to running poorly and getting sucked out on, but then I went through some hands in my Holdem Manager (HEM) database to see what I was doing wrong.

I have got 2 examples here to illustrate why I have had a poor run...

Hand 1

Situation is that the guy is pretty aggro, likes to raise every button and will follow a draw all the way to the river. We are on match 2 and I have some notes.

We get into the hand and I go into auto pilot, he never looks like he has the Q as his raising suggests a draw...

My assumptions are 100% correct, but I still managed to bet a 6 in this position and then feel he is taking the piss by putting me all in...

I pay of his rivered draw to lose the match - 100% donkey fish play by me!!!

Hand 2

Guy is pretty passive raises his hands and drops missed flops to Cbets. I have notes stating that he will float to the river with a draw or middle/bottom pair.

We get to the river and I feel I have him beat, a flush draw is possible so I am happy to get it all in here.

Guy spikes an 8 to make trips and thats another one down the pan.

After having a review on HEM and thinking a bit I plyed a couple more matches.

Hand 3

Nice passive fish on the hook, played 1 and got some notes with a win, followed up by a massive suck out.

Guy was folding to all my raises and I knew I could get him to tilt, I raised pretty much every button and he played back 0% of the time, he had shown me in the previous match that he had a cheeky shove in him and so along came my chance.

QQ on Button so 3x raise and he shoves, I am calling his range as AT+ 22+ (Last matched ended JJ v 44 Shove) so plenty wide enough to call...

Ace on the river leaves me in the shit and I can't come back from 20 v 2980 chips


I am running ok, the odd beat is having an effect on me mentally and the times I should be folding I go gung ho and manage to shoot myself in the foot.

I need to tailor my aggression to my opponent and read my notes correctly.

If I can calm down in some situations and fold to a river bet more often (when I know my opponent loves to go after draws) then things will improve.

Current BR $43.16

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