It's been a heavy summer for work but already things are winding down and I am seeing some action at the tables.
The initial idea was HU SNGs, then I got bored and played 6Max SNGs, then ran out of time and played a few cash games & SNGs...
I have now decided to just go with the game I feel like on the day. Recently I have been playing some Limit Cash, some micro SNGs and a few Satellites.
The PokerStars Sunday Storm Satellites are a great way of adding to your bankroll, $2.20 entry and tickets awarded for every $11 in the prize pool. You can play super tight and very often get paid off with your big hands as the play is pretty soft and predictable, satellite play is different to normal tourneys in that the pay structure is flat, ie same prize for 1st or 10th (dependant on amount of tickets awarded).
The $11 ticket to the Sunday Storm can be converted to T$ (Tournament $s) by unregistering from the tournament and can be done as many times as you like. Check out the screenshot, these are not difficult to win. These T$s can then be used for more tourneys where you can obviously win real $s and bump up that Bank Roll.
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