Monday, 27 February 2012

The Horses have finished

So we had a little challenge and there were ups and downs, but through the month we have ended with the following results...

I pulled the numbers together as best I could, knowing that pro labs can be inaccurate, so a few games may have been missed out.

The interesting things to note are the amount of games played and also the finishing positions. Obvioulsy the more we can finish in the money the better, but also emplying a tight early game strategy should help that so reducing the amount of Early and Early Middle finishes is essential.

Sample sizes of less than 1000 games are a good indication, but until 1000+ games are logged then the jury is still out.

The final numbers are pretty irrelevant, the idea was to show that BRM can be employed to not only sustain a good level of volume, but enable a player to grow his bank and experience/knowledge along the way.

Fear of losing or 'playing scared' should be eliminated allowing the player to make difficult, but correct plays.

Tilt is a factor that needs work, but overall the standard of play has improved and if nothing else this has been 'interesting' journey for us all.

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