Thursday, 6 October 2011

Discovered Fifty50s

I have been watching some more videos and happened upon some at PSO (PokerStars Poker School Online) including a video showing the Fifty50 SNGs...

I thought these were just the old double up jobs, but as it happens Pokerstars have changed the format so that the top 5 still get paid, but you make more profit dependant on your finishing stack size. Being super aggressive late on especially on the bubble, increases your stack and payout massively.
These tourneys start off fairly tight and then as people get busted and the blinds rise more action happens. I have only played some $1.50 buy in SNGs so far, but having looked at the videos I suspect the competition is weak up to the $10 levels... I will report back when I get there :)

Having averaged £1.26 profit/game so far with each game lasting about 30 to 40 minutes I may have finally found a game that I enjoy and that fits in with my schedule. 

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